Consumer Electronics

               Consumer electronics.JPG               Ipad.JPG

JSD technical engineers designed a range of global conformity assessments specific to consumer electronics and customize each inspection by combining standard JSD inspection checklists with your unique product specifications.

On-site, JSD inspectors verify the quality of mass production based on your Acceptable Quality Limits, perform product specific function and safety tests, and assess compliance to your product’s specification and approval sample. We conduct thorough checks including the battery, functions, instruction manual, warning messages, accessories, labeling, packaging, packing.

Main Tests performed during an inspection of Consumer Electronics
---Hi-Pot test                                       ---Stability test                                               ---Power cord pull test

---Power consumption test                  ---Product function/performance test            ---Noise level measurement

---Frequency compatibility check        ---Memory size check                                    ---Remote control distance

---Working current                               ---voltage check                                             ---Workmanship review